Thursday, March 17, 2011

Walk It Out

I was raised in a family of walkers.....and talkers, but that's a subject for another day......I literally cannot remember a day that my parents didn't walk our family dog.  When I moved out and got my own dogs I walked them too.  So the logical thing to do with Sasha when I had her was walk her :)  All joking aside, Sasha and I walk for hours a day, and have been doing that since the day she was born.  Not only does it make me feel good, but Sasha loves it, and it definitely helped me shed the baby weight! 

While walking is wonderful, I am not a girl that has ever felt the need to sacrifice fashion for comfort.  Since I walk everyday, it's important for me to look good doing it.  While I can appreciate a good pair of gym shoes, here are some stylish alternatives for you moms on the run!

Product Image
DKNY Ketchy Sneaker - On sale $68 (Original $85) at

Chuck Taylor All Star High Tops - $45 at

DKNY Mauri Sneakers - On sale $59.25 (original $79) at

PUMA Sneakerina Sneaker - $65 at


  1. I am in LOVE with these gold ketchy sneakers!! I need them NOW! :P

  2. Me too!!!!! I think I really really need a new pair of cute sneakers.....this whole blog writing thing may actually cause me to shop more lol :)
