Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Non-Buyers Remorse

Have you ever been just NOT in the mood to shop?  Well that is exactly the mood that I was in the other day, at the most inopportune time (of course!).  We've had a couple of rough nights with Sasha lately due to the evil monster better known as teething.  Although she's usually sleeping about 10-11 hours a night now, she has been waking up every few hours moaning from teething, and has been having trouble falling asleep for naps :(  I decided to take her to the mall and thankfully she did fall asleep!  But, I was completely not in the mood to shop.....I looked through all of Gymboree, Baby Gap, The Children's Place, etc....and NOTHING......I was DYING to go home already.  Of course, she eventually awoke and we went home.

That night I was plagued with non-buyers remorse......I could not get these adorable strawberry outfits out of my head from Gymboree.  There was a strawberry tutu and  striped t-shirt that Sasha HAD to have!  I know it sounds silly, but you know the feeling moms!  The next day I called a friend that worked at the mall and asked her to get the outfit for Sasha, and I even sent her in with a coupon that I had gotten with an order from :) Bless her soul, she saved the day, and now our lives are complete...just kidding (but seriously)!
Strawberry Stripe Tee
The t-shirt - on sale $11.19 (original $19.95) at Gymboree

Strawberry Sweater Dress
Strawberry Sweater Dress - on sale $17.14 (original $34.95) at Gymboree

Strawberry Sunhat
Strawberry Sunhat - on sale $6.29 (original $12.95) at Gymboree
Here's some pics of the Strawberry Collection at Gymboree.  Unfortunately, the website no longer carries the tutu, but there are so many other adorable things there!  And it's all on sale now!!!!! Oh yeah, and once the summer rolls around, pics of Sasha in her MUST-HAVE outfit will follow :)

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