Thursday, March 24, 2011

vacation vacation vacation!

Today has been a long day with Sasha.....but it's ok because it was finalized today that we are going on VACATION!!!  We have not gone anywhere for over a year and a half, so we are long long long overdue.  A family friend was absolutely amazingly generous and is letting us stay at their Fort Lauderdale condo...with Sasha :) Once the initial excitement wore off, my head started spinning from thinking about all of the things that I would have to bring for Sasha, how we're actually going to travel with her, etc, etc, etc.  Since I am crazy (just kidding, but I kind of am), I now need to do SOOOOOO much research (and shopping!) in order to prepare for this trip.  So I will report back on all of the things that I find out about travel with a baby and everthing that she will need for the summer weather...which should help all of you to plan for your summer vacation, or staycation!  In the meantime, I will try not to have a panic attack :) 

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