Monday, March 21, 2011

My Other Children

Benji, Maggie, and I in Michigan 2009

Ok, so now that we've gotten to know each other I'm going to let you in on a little secret......I have two more children......their names are Maggie and Benji, and I ADORE them :)  Maggie is a feisty 5 1/2 year old Boxer mix and Benji is a kind 6 year old Lab mix.  Before Sasha came into my world, they were my world.  So it kind of breaks my heart when I can't give them as much attention or walk them as often as I used to.  They are a huge pain in my butt a lot of the time (especially now that Sasha is crawling and I need to clean up their fur nonstop!), but they are the most loyal and lovable companions. To add to it, Sasha loves her "siblings"!

Sasha :)

Sasha + Maggie = BFF's

Benji is soooo patient :)