Hello lovelies :) So sorry for my hiatus from the blogging world but I have been on hiatus from my regular life too! My little family (Sasha, my hubby, and I......for those of you who don't know!) went on our first trip together to Florida. It was a trip filled with firsts for Sasha: first flight, first time sleeping away from home, first time in the sand, first time in the ocean, first time going to the zoo, first time trying ice cream......and those were just the stand-out's! All in all, it was one of the most memorable trips for my husband and I since we got to experience all of these things together. Oh yes, and we got an amazing new camera (thanks to my mother-in-law) which my husband got quite skilled at using on this trip......honestly, it was just amazing to take pictures of Sasha! I can't wait to share all of my newly found wisdom on traveling with a 10 and 1/2 month old....but in the meantime, I'm just reliving the trip through these pictures :)
Loooove this one! Well, I love all of them actually!