Monday, April 4, 2011

Pity Party (For One!)

Hello Friends :) So sorry for brief my hiatus from the blogging world, but I am full of amazing excuses (of course!).  Here goes:

1) My husband got I had two children to take care of for days....oh yeah, plus my doggie babies :)
2) Sasha got sick as soon as my husband got better (this is the first time in her 9 month life!)
3) I got sick from Sasha because I (for some unknown reason!) didn't think that she could get me I was kissing her from her head to toe as usual

So, you guys get it, right?!?  Am I allowed to throw myself a pity party?  I am forgiven?  Well, thank you very much!  Now we can move on to the interesting stuff!

2 years ago today I was standing on an island in Mexico with all of the most important people in my life, and getting married!!!!!  It was the most enchanting and unbelievable day....and truly one of the most amazing days of my life.  I want to share some of the fabulous pictures (done by the talented Paul Birman!!!!) from that day so that we can take a little walk down memory lane :)  By the way, check out his other's slightly FANTASTIC!

My bridesmaids and I on the way to the island

Trash the Dress Shoot (Downtown Puerto Vallarta)


  1. pretty photos and gorgeous wedding party! :)

  2. I couldn't agree with you more.....I stare at these pictures all the time!!!!
