Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Little Intro

This is Me

Hello World! My name is Kate:)  First of all, I just want to say that I have been a blog reader for years, so it's a little crazy that I now am writing my own.

 Just like many other people, I am a planner!  I write everything down, I write lists, and I plan out my life meticulously.  In all of the planning that I had done in the last couple of years, I never planned on being a stay-at-home mom at 26 years old.  But all of my planning flew out the window when I had my amazing daughter Sasha last June.    Once I realized that I was a mommy, I could not imagine ever leaving her side.  Luckily, my husband was supportive of this choice, and I now get to spend everyday watching her grow. 

This blog is dedicated to my new life with Sasha and the joy that she brings me on a daily basis.  It will be about our lives, about baby products, fashion, and just about anything else that strikes my fancy :)  So hopefully you will get to share in a bit of my daily joy from my posts!  Thanks for reading!

Sasha - 5 Days Old (June 2010)

Sasha- 5 Days Old (June 2010)

My husband and I at our wedding (April 2009)


  1. Kate, my friend referred me to your blog and it's great. I don't have any kids yet but I love your writing style and your point of view. Keep it up!

  2. That's awesome! I will try not to disappoint in the future :)
